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Wellness Team


Super Bowl Exercise Circuit

Let the game guide you through some quick living room exercises! Get your whole gang on board and you're sure to get some laughs no matter which team is ahead! And if you need some smart snack swaps for game day, click here!
February 9, 2023

5 Tips for Eating Your Way to a Healthy Heart

Here are our dietitians’ top tips for eating for a healthy heart this February: Do not eliminate fat. You read that right. Contrary to dated evidence, fat free diets do not reduce risk of heart disease. We need small amounts of healthy fat at every meal in order to properly absorb our nutrients and nourish both our tissues and blood…
February 1, 2023

How Are You Breathing?

Think of the last time you had a cold with congestion and ended up sleeping with your mouth open all night. Now think of how icky you felt the next morning. Not only did you a dry mouth and a scratchy throat, but you likely had a dull headache, lacked concentration and felt like you barely slept. You may have…
January 30, 2023

Protein Baked Oatmeal

While high in fiber, traditional oatmeal is also high glycemic. Our version adds proteins & fats to ensure a more stable blood sugar to start your day and prevent that late morning crash.
January 25, 2023

Prepare for a Good Night’s Sleep

Have you heard? Sleep is all the rage! With more and more research coming out on the importance of sleep for preventing chronic conditions (and more and more people feeling the impacts of low quality sleep from excessive stressors), sleep is suddenly a hot topic in the health and wellness world. Fortunately, this is something everyone on our Wellness team…
January 1, 2023